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Words to feel better: How to use positive affirmations.

I am powerful. I am useful. I am respectful. I am unique.

I have the power to make MY life what I want it to be!

You know how you can have a song stuck in your head so deep you will be humming it without even realizing? It seems I have tricked my brain into subconsciously “singing” these affirmations!

(The brain really is a suggestible creature.. heehee.)

I am all about brain hacks and tricks that WORK!

Affirmations really do work! Before a few years ago I honestly didn’t understand nor believe in the power of spoken words and intentional thoughts. Here is what I wish I'd known sooner...

One important thing to understand:

Energy is passed through words and thoughts as we communicate with our inner selves and with others around us. This energy has very REAL and measurable effects on the psyche as well as the physical body of you and those around you.

So…. we pass energy as we talk… ok…. what does that mean?

Positive or negative, words carry energy to match. If you say “I hate you,” some hate-filled energy (which is made of up atoms vibrating at a certain frequency) connects with the person you are directing that statement at. Feels…. Not so good.. Both the giver and receiver are filled with that negative feeling.

This concept is described beautifully in the research of Dr. Masuru Emoto. His book: Hidden Messages in Water is science backed but feels like MAGIC!

It was the first exposure I had to how much DAMAGE we can do with negative words. Which got me thinking… How much GOOD I could be doing in my own life… with my own words… I only had to choose which ones to bring my focus to.


Speaking kindly to ourselves and to those around us has an immediate calming and uplifting effect. We can be in the worst mood ever and by pausing - breathing - and speaking a kind affirmation, your mood can instantly lift.

What is an affirmation?

Affirmations are positive phrases and statements that are repeated to help challenge negative thoughts and encourage positive changes in your life.

Anyone can think up an affirmation. Anyone can look up a list like THIS online.

At first, it can be super awkward to say them and pretty uncomfortable to believe them…

I am special! The future is unfolding for me. My inner self has true direction. I’m a boss!

Yeah ok...

Some affirmations sound corny. Some are just dumb. But the ones that give you a charge when you read them… Those are the ones you need.

They won't start working (ie improving your mood and your life) until you believe them. You have to at least tell your brain "I believe this" with some level of confidence. We are tricking ourselves into BEING all the things we WANT.

Plan of action:

  • Browse some lists of affirmations and write down 10 or so that “hit” you.

  • Try your hand at writing your own.

(Think about what you would say to encourage yourself at age 10).

  • Speak these phrases out loud if possible (in your head is ok too) at least once a day for the next week.

  • Try making an audio recording on your phone of you saying the statements. Replay in the car - as you brush your teeth - while you prepare your coffee…

  • Play a video or audio from YouTube or Insight Timer. I have tried lots of tracks and the one I keep coming back to is posted above. It’s created for kids - and thus, SO catchy. The catchiness of it has gotten the phrases stuck in my head, and I’m loving it!

Having, “I have the power to make my life what I want it to be”, stuck in my head is great!

I hear that phrase run through my thoughts multiple times a day. And you know what??

I’m starting to believe it.


For more techniques and practices - explore The LooM. Become the very best YOU!

Written by Maeby Lopez, Licensed Mental Health Counselor (LMHC) and Professional Organizer

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