Summer is the season for cook-outs, fireworks, pool parties and summer camps. As kids we counted down the seconds until we could run from school on the last day with our arms spread like wings. The lemonade flowed and our hearts expanded…
But for some of us those sweet memories have shifted. Now the kids are home and BORED… Now the heat melts through our plans… Now as we try to maintain normalcy we are confronted with the need to super-mom ALL day long.. This season comes with some unique challenges, especially for parents. So how can we cope when our routine is flipped on its head?
Summer Sweet Routines
We all know routines take time to build. It seems that as soon as we adjust to the school-year routine, it’s over… Transitions are hard on all of us. When we establish routines, we are free to relax with the knowledge that we know what to expect.
There’s a reason your morning cup of coffee on the porch, or your evening bedtime stories with the kids are so nice. But you didn’t establish those routines over-night. Through repetition behaviors become habitual which means we don’t need to use any of our precious energy to enforce them.
Step one to remaining sane this summer is to start establishing routines right away. Here are some examples:
Morning routine with the kids
Now that they don’t have to be at school, you can all ease up. However, sticking to a wake-up routine will help them (and you) adjust to the summer. Consider ditching the alarm clock and waking the kids up with a silly song instead.
Evening walk around the neighborhood
Walks with kids are a great way to add some movement to the day. Use it as a bonding time. Having a family walk before or after dinner is a routine you will all look forward to. We can all carve out 10-20 minutes for this.
Gratitude at the breakfast table
Starting your day by acknowledging 3 things to be grateful for is a major mood booster. Get your kids in the habit of calling out the good stuff in life. You’ll be surprised by how different everyone’s answers can be.
Create a weekly schedule
Each Sunday sit down with the family for 10 minutes to plan out the upcoming week. Keep the kids apprised of camps or activities. Knowing what to expect will help them relax and prepare since the summer schedule is usually quite changeable.
Prepare healthy snacks in advance
To battle unhealthy or mindless snacking - keep healthy fruits, veggies, nuts and high protein snacks on hand. (This goes for grown up snacks as well!)
In addition to prepared snacks, consider teaching your kids how to make fun summer treats for themselves.
Summer electronics usage
Talk about this early and often with your kids (and yourself). We don’t want the kids to be on screens all summer long, but it’s our job as parents to be prepared with healthy limits and alternatives. Getting clear with them before summer begins is key to avoiding meltdowns and screen-zombies. Consider creating a checklist of things they must accomplish before screen-time commences. (20 minutes outside, chores done, read a book etc.)
Maintain bedtime
While staying up late playing video games (them) or binging Grey’s Anatomy reruns (you) may sound like the perfect way to spend the summer, breaking an established sleep schedule can be detrimental. Our bodies do best when we stick to our routine and get enough sleep. Summer shouldn’t change this.
Warm-Weather Traditions
Many of us have beautiful memories of our childhood summers. To help enhance the memories you build with your family this summer, try to follow these guidelines:
Create traditions
If you already have a tradition, great! A summer road trip, cook-outs by the pool, fireworks with friends, sleep-away camps are all memory builders. Here are some ideas for fun NEW traditions to create:
Backyard olympics
Outdoor movie night
Vacation bucket list
Visit a new part of town
Sidewalk chalk mural
Run a lemonade stand
Backyard camping/fire pit
Be present
The summer WILL fly by and before you know it, the rush of activities, camps and trips will have eaten up all time. Remind yourself each morning to BE THERE for your memories in the making. If you are too busy to appreciate the extra time with your family, you may be too busy. Don’t overschedule the summer. Enjoy it!
Go with the flow
Not every plan will work out. Be willing to accept the things you can’t control. Travel plans might get cancelled, camps might be full, you might need to work different hours. Whatever comes, do your best to roll with the punches. Your stress level will dictate how smoothly you make it through this summer.
Summer Self-Care
Now for the real sweetness… YOU! You do SO much. You are already enough. Stop right now. Take your arms and wrap each one around yourself. Give yourself a hug. Did you do it? Seriously! Hug yourself! Self-love is important to maintain sanity at any time of year. Whatever season feels most challenging to you is the season to step up your self-care.
Stick to your routines
Do you have a self-care routine? If not, check back to The LooM for more blogs on creating and maintaining your own. Here are some really awesome ingredients to keep you on track:
Get enough sleep
Move your body
Use positive affirmations
Eat nourishing food
Connect with people you love
Get involved in your community
Create things
Go for a walk
Take your time
Treat yourself
If you needed a nudge from the universe to reward yourself, here it is: DO IT! Buy the ice cream, get that new swimsuit, book the vacation, sleep that extra hour. Whatever it is that fills your tank and makes you smile, go for it. We live only once and treating ourselves to the occasional indulgence is not only healthy, it’s FUN!
Remind yourself
Consider creating a mantra for this summer. “I am kind, capable and present” or “Each day of this summer is a gift”. If you are feeling alone or low, reach out to someone. There is another person out there who knows exactly how you feel. You are special, wonderful, vibrant. Remember who you are and what’s important.
It’s not about whose kids go to which prestigious camp, or how fancy that summer cruise was.. It’s the moments spent around a fire, fingers sticky with marshmallow and smiles bigger than the sun. It’s summer. Eat the sweetness.
Written by Maeby Lopez, Licensed Mental Health Counselor (LMHC) and Professional Organizer