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Maeby Lopez

Mindfulness Practice Series - #1 Housework can be a door to presence

Whether you enjoy or loathe housework it is an inevitable part of life. Human beings need to eat. Eating creates dirty dishes. Children playing outside means dirt tracked in and sneakers strewn across the floor. Dishes, Laundry, sweeping; these are tasks that can feel tiresome, boring and even downright painful. But they don’t have to be.

Our experience of the world is entirely reliant on our perceptions and reactions. If we perceive a chore as arduous we will react by resisting the chore. Who wants to do something hard and unpleasant? However we CAN shift our experience by labeling the chore as something else entirely.


Let us consider the task of washing the dishes. Let’s choose for a moment to see this task as an opportunity instead. Here is your opportunity to practice the skill of mindfulness! “I’ve been meaning to try that”, you think. The benefits of establishing a mindfulness practice in your life are endless. Choosing to view housework as a doorway to your best life is a great way to re-frame how you think of it.

Dive in:

Now that you are looking at the dishes through the lens of opportunity, you can experience the task with a feeling of joy in your heart. These dishes held a meal that you enjoyed, that nourished your body and provided you with energy. The sink you are washing them in has running water. The soap you are using might even have a pleasant scent.

As you turn on the water - enjoy the sensation of warmth on your hands. Allow yourself to feel the water as you never have before. Give your full attention to each dish. Take your time. Refrain from rushing through this exercise. It will take as long as it needs to take. Which type of dish will you wash first? What shape is it? Take time to clean this one dish as if your life depended on it. Marvel in the sparkle that is left when you clean it thoroughly.

The only moment that matters is this one now. This one dish. This water. This soap. Your hands. For a little bonus - try adding a small smile to your face as you wash. Our brains are so easily influenced by how we choose to show up. A small smile can enhance your mood within seconds. Check in with yourself throughout the dish-washing. How do I feel right now? There is no right answer to that question. Simply notice what comes up.

Try this practice with other tasks around your home. Consider writing down a few thoughts as you do this. How is this practice bringing you more awareness?

Rinse and repeat.

Written by Maeby Lopez, LMHC: Professional Organizer and Wellness Advocate

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