The great Dr. Seuss once said, “Fill your house with stacks of books, in all the crannies and all the nooks.”
Well… perhaps there is a better way to store your books then cramming them into crannies!
In this blog we will provide tips to declutter and store your book collection in a way that is both organized and joyful.
Why should I organize my books?
The benefits of organization are endless. Having organized spaces provides a sense of calm and peace in your home. While we are all comfortable with different levels of organization, having some order and intention behind your belongings feels really good!
As organization and minimalism have gained popularity, many of us are curious to try it for ourselves. But where to begin? Every organization expert has a slightly different opinion on this matter.
As far as we’re concerned the best place to start is simply to START! Pick a room, a category or even a drawer to declutter. Motivation builds over time and with positive reinforcement. As you start to experience the peace of mind that comes with clear spaces, you will feel more excited to declutter your whole life!
So how do I declutter my books?
First of all, please know that we LOVE books! At The LooM, books are the building blocks which have created the world of wellness we present to you. Each one is filled with knowledge and endless possibilities. We would never encourage you to toss out that which inspires and fills your heart.
Before you begin decluttering, ask yourself what is important to you. Make a list of 5-10 values that speak to your heart. For example: Fun, Personal Growth, Leadership, Love and Spirituality. Your list will help to guide you as you assess your book collection.
Organization expert Marie Kondo says “Books are the reflection of our thoughts and values.” As we grow and change over the years, our interests and values shift. You may be surprised how uninterested you are in some of the books you’re holding on to.
Step by step book decluttering
Gather ALL of your books in one place. Remove them from shelves and place them all on the floor or a table. Search every area of your home, pull them out of storage, get them ALL!
As you pick up books one by one, refrain from opening the covers. Starting to read the books will distract you and confuse your decisions.
One at a time, take a book into your hands and ask yourself these questions:
How did I feel when I picked this up? (guilty, ambivalent or negative emotions are signs that the book has already served its purpose and can go bye bye.)
If I lost this book would I buy it again today?
Am I holding onto this because it was a gift?
Does this book inspire me, make me smile or spark joy in my heart?
Create sections with your choices
Give to someone specific
Store out of sight
Display (these should be limited to the amount of space you have to display books in an aesthetic way - no cramming)
Unsure (if it takes longer than 30 seconds to decide, set the book aside and keep your momentum going).
Remember your values as you choose what to keep. If a book doesn’t match up with your current values, let it go, trusting that the books you need right now will come into your life as soon as you make space for them.
Putting it all away
Once you are finished assessing your collection take the following action right away!
Box up donate books and put them in your car. Libraries, schools and rec centers are great places to take used books.
Box up any books you’d like to store and take them to where they will be stored.
Sort through your “display” category and decide how you’d like to arrange these books. This is the fun part! You might like to alphabetize your books, display them by color or size. You can separate them into genres or create a “shelf of honor” with only your favorites.
This process will teach you what is important to you in this season of your life. When you look at your curated bookshelf you can smile knowing that the books there represent the person you are today. How lovely is that?
Return often to The LooM for more about organization projects to bring balance to your life and peace to your mind.
Written by Maeby Lopez, Licensed Mental Health Counselor (LMHC) and Professional Organizer